FSSAI sets globally benchmarked standards and practices; ensures consistent and transparent enforcement and credible food testing; facilitates hassle free food imports; improves compliance through training and capacity building of regulatory staff and food businesses, educates citizens by nudging social and behavioural change.  FSSAI performs these functions through its several divisions:-


FSSAI is the standards setting body of food, where mandatory vertical and horizontal science based standards are set across the food value chain.  The Food Safety Standards are developed/reviewed taking into account the latest developments in food science, food consumption pattern, new products and additives, advancement in the processing technology and food analytical methods, and identification of new risks.  The development of standards is undertaken by 21 Scientific Panels and a Scientific Committee comprising of more than 250 subject independent experts/scientists of eminence.

Codex unit deals with the issues relating to Convening meetings of Shadow Committee; National Codex Committee; Core group; Debriefing; Task Force; Workshops; and Colloquium.  

Food Safety Management System fosters a culture of safe food for over 1.3 billion people based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).  FSSAI develops guidance documents, codes of practices etc., which is used for upgrading the level of food safety implementation by the food business, especially in the SME sector across the country. 

Risk Assessment Cell develops framework for carrying out risk assessment based studies.  Scheme of Research & Development/ Food Quality and Safety has been developed by the Authority.  FSSAI through Grant in Aid supports the research projects/proposals achieving the objecting of the Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.


The Sections 16, 22 and 92 of the Act specifically direct the Food Authority to make regulations in various areas in accordance with the Section 92 (1) of the FSS Act, 2006.

After getting approval by the Authority, such regulations are required to follow a specified process of vetting, approval, notification and laying down before the legislature as specified in the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and as per directives of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation. Regulation division notifies regulations of Food Safety and makes amendment thereof. Regulation Division also develops regulations which are more generic in nature and do not fall within the competence of any Scientific Panel/Division. At present, 24 principal regulations are notified in the Gazette of India.


As per Chapter VIII, Section 43 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, FSSAI fosters an ecosystem for testing of food at food laboratories for compliance with the food safety standards. 

QA Division notifies food laboratories and research institutions accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories for the purposes of carrying out analysis of samples by the Food Analysts.  Notification of food testing laboratories/referral laboratories including recognition, renewal, suspension, de-recognition, etc is also done.  


Regulatory Compliance division manages all affairs relating to licensing & registration of Food Business Operator through Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS), Enforcement activity of FSS Act in coordination with the States/UTs, Training of regulatory staff, Third Party Audit, Consumer Grievances, Coordination with Regional offices of FSSAI, Hygiene rating, and recognition of Food Safety Mitra.  


HR Division looks after the Manpower recruitment, Administrative and Personnel matters related to employees service in the authority and Vigilance matters. This includes recruitments through various modes of recruitment i.e. Direct Recruitment, Deputation, Short terms contract, engagement of consultants, implementation of reservation policies of Government of India, convening of departmental promotion committee for promotion, removal of probation and confirmation, implementation of turnover policies/posting-transfer, day to day work related to Salary and attendance of employees, Record Maintenance, Vigilance matters, Leave Salary & Pension contribution, LTC, Medical facilities, Lease Housing Accommodation and Leave maintenance.

Finance and Accounts unit is responsible for management of all accounts related matters, maintenance of PBR, release of salary of all employees and processing of all other types of bills for payment, annual budget etc.  Internal Audit Cell is also established to ensure that the accounting procedure followed is correct, adequate and in accordance with extant rules/regulations.


General Administration Division is responsible for maintenance of the office building, Logistic arrangements, procurement of furniture, fixtures and stationery items, Monitoring of Facility Management Services, Electricity and Water Supply, printing of manuals, folders, flyers, letter heads etc. and coordination of Parliament, RTI and Public grievances matters etc.   GA division is also responsible for Policy Coordination and Authority Meetings.

All the legal matters of this Authority are handled centrally by a Legal Service Unit.  Presently the division is handling more than 600 cases in various courts.  The units also provided Legal advice on MoUs and Agreements entered into by all other divisions.

6.1    Rajbhasha: हिंदी प्रभाग के मुख्‍य कार्य निम्‍नानुसार हैं:

  • प्रभागों हिंदी की तिमाही रिपोर्टें मंगवाकर उन्‍हें समेकित करके मंत्रालय, राजभाषा विभाग और नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन समिति को समेकित रिपोर्ट भेजना,
  • राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन समिति की बैठकों का आयोजन करना,
  • हिंदी कार्यशालाएँ करना,
  • प्रभागों और क्षेत्रीय कार्यालयों में हिंदी कार्य की प्रगति का निरीक्षण करना,
  • हिंदी पखवाड़े का आयोजन करना,
  • हिंदी की प्रोत्‍साहन योजनाओं का क्रियान्‍वयन करना,
  • संसदीय राजभाषा समिति के निरीक्षणों से संबंधित कार्य करना,
  • प्रभागों से अनुवाद के लिए प्राप्‍त सामग्रियों का हिंदी अनुवाद करना,
  • हिंदी कार्यान्‍वयन के संबंध में मंत्रालय, राजभाषा विभाग, संसदीय राजभाषा समिति आदि से प्राप्‍त निर्देशों का अनुपालन कराना,
  • नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्‍वयन  समिति की बैठकों में भाग लेना,


FSSAI adopts large scale efficient technologies for ensuring efficiency, transparency, enhanced outreach, controlled and more effective compliance systems and deals with online food licenses and registration. Various Software Applications, Micro-sites and major portals maintained by IT Division are:-

  • Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS)

  • Food Import Clearance System (FICS)

  • Pan-India Training Management Portal: Food Safety Training and Certification (FoSTaC)

  • Common Inspection and Surveillance Portal: Food Safety Compliance through Regular Inspection & Sampling System (FoSCoRIS)

  • Indian Food Laboratories Network (INFoLNET)

There are several other portals/micro-sites such as  Eat Right India, Hygiene Rating Portal, Repurpose Used Cooking Oil(RUCO), Experience Zone Portal, Recruitment Portal, Scientific Portals and Internship Portals along with other social media activities, testing of applications to test the work-flow etc. which are being deployed and maintained


The Sections 16 of the FSS Act, 2006 specifically direct the Food Authority to take all such steps to ensure that the public, consumers, interested parties and all levels of panchayats receive rapid, reliable, objective and comprehensive information through appropriate methods and means. 

Keeping this in view, the social and behavioural change division of FSSAI works on various information, education and communication activities to disseminate information pertaining to food safety and nutrition through various modes in the interest of larger public. The primary objective of the division is to focus on various collaborative approaches, partnerships and programs for creating mass awareness around safe, healthy and sustainable food choices by modifying citizens’ behaviour towards right eating practices through the ‘Eat Right India’ movement. Under Eat Right India, FSSAI has launched initiatives targeting both food businesses and consumers to create an environment of right food practices and habits with schemes such as Clean Street Food Hubs, Clean and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Markets, BHOG (Blissful Hygienic Offering to God) for Places of Worship, Eat Right Campus, Eat Right schools and Eat Right Stations.


Currently, FSSAI is functioning at 53 points of entry.  FSSAI has integrated its online Food Import Clearance System (FICS) with ICEGATE system (Indian Customs and Central Excise Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data interchange (EC/EDI) Gateway) of Department of Customs.  It also function as Nodal agency to coordinate and deal with matters pertaining to international issues in food safety & liaisons with representatives of various countries/agencies for collaboration on food safety through formal arrangements/ MoU’s. Also carries out capacity building exercises with various countries/agencies by conducting meeting/workshops/ Conferences/ Symposiums on food safety and related areas. 


Training Division of FSSAI conducts two types of training programme such as training of Food Business Operator (FoSTaC) and training of regulatory staff across States/UTs.  Training Division through eminent domain experts has developed new courses, updation of existing courses, creation of Training Manuals, creating and managing online and digitized courses, empanelment of Training partners, Training of Trainers for all courses, Staff Training etc.  Food Safety Training and Certification (FoSTaC) is a large scale training programme to spread education and raise awareness on Food Safety & Standards Act, Rules & Regulations among food business operators.  Training division also conducts various training activities and programmes for Regulatory Officials i.e. for Food Safety Officers, Designated Officers and Adjudicating Officers on regular interval for all States/UTs.

FSSAI Officials / Staff Details

Central Assistance

Information has been given below in reference of Office Memorandum received from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Pdf size:( 0.16 MB)
Central Assistance for the Last 4 Years. Details are tabulated below:

  (Rupees in Crore)
Financial Year Actual Received from Ministry
2013-14 56.93
2014-15 41.11
2015-16 54.88
2016-17 54.61