In the Media (All) View Recent

Disclaimer : The articles seen in the media section on FSSAI website are the views expressed by the respective reporter/ media and not official views of FSSAI. The information placed is in good faith and is mere compilation of articles related to FSSAI in particular or Food sector in general.

FSSAI clarifies, premixes under Category 99 of Food Categorisation Code   [Dated: 27-04-2018]

FSSAI clarifies, premixes under Category 99 of Food Categorisation CodeFSSAI clarifies, premixes under Category 99 of Food Categorisation Code[0.51 MB]

FSSAI gazette notification seals standards for country liquer & whisky   [Dated: 26-04-2018]

FSSAI gazette notification seals standards for country liquer & whiskyFSSAI gazette notification seals standards for country liquer & whisky[0.35 MB]

Food safety commissioners directed to reduce backlog of cases   [Dated: 25-04-2018]

Food safety commissioners directed to reduce backlog of casesFood safety commissioners directed to reduce backlog of cases[0.63 MB]

Food safety needs a collaborative approach   [Dated: 25-04-2018]

Food safety needs a collaborative approachFood safety needs a collaborative approach[0.43 MB]

Common Tests Guidelines   [Dated: 25-04-2018]

Common Tests GuidelinesCommon Tests Guidelines[0.74 MB]

Govt presents humble millet in a different way; declares as nutri-cereals   [Dated: 25-04-2018]

Govt presents humble millet in a different way; declares as nutri-cerealsGovt presents humble millet in a different way; declares as nutri-cereals[0.32 MB]

E-commerce companies in FSSAI tangle for flouting direct selling norms   [Dated: 23-04-2018]

E-commerce companies in FSSAI tangle for flouting direct selling normsE-commerce companies in FSSAI tangle for flouting direct selling norms[0.3 MB]

Food Safety on Wheels in Dimapur on April 24 & 25   [Dated: 23-04-2018]

Food Safety on Wheels in Dimapur on April 24 & 25Food Safety on Wheels in Dimapur on April 24 & 25[0.39 MB]

Govt institutions’ mess owners directed to obtain licenses at earliest   [Dated: 21-04-2018]

Govt institutions’ mess owners directed to obtain licenses at earliestGovt institutions’ mess owners directed to obtain licenses at earliest[0.38 MB]

फूड सेफ्टी के लिए सबकुछ ठीक करने में लगेगा समय   [Dated: 20-04-2018]

फूड सेफ्टी के लिए सबकुछ ठीक करने में लगेगा समयफूड सेफ्टी के लिए सबकुछ ठीक करने में लगेगा समय[0.35 MB]

India's food sector attacks government health-labelling plan   [Dated: 20-04-2018]

India's food sector attacks government health-labelling planIndia's food sector attacks government health-labelling plan[0.25 MB]

Food Regulator FSSAI Proposes To Ban Advertisement Of HFSS For Children   [Dated: 19-04-2018]

Food Regulator FSSAI Proposes To Ban Advertisement Of HFSS For ChildrenFood Regulator FSSAI Proposes To Ban Advertisement Of HFSS For Children[0.36 MB]

FSSAI comes up with traffic light labeling measure for packaged food and drinks   [Dated: 19-04-2018]

FSSAI comes up with traffic light labeling measure for packaged food and drinksFSSAI comes up with traffic light labeling measure for packaged food and drinks[0.43 MB]

Traffic light labelling measure set for packaged foods in India under new FSSAI regulations   [Dated: 18-04-2018]

Traffic light labelling measure set for packaged foods in India under new FSSAI regulationsTraffic light labelling measure set for packaged foods in India under new FSSAI regulations[0.44 MB]

FBOs must declare labelling of foods with GE ingredients   [Dated: 17-04-2018]

FBOs must declare labelling of foods with GE ingredientsFBOs must declare labelling of foods with GE ingredients[0.32 MB]

FSSAI appoints Vimta Labs for nationwide surveillance of milk quality   [Dated: 17-04-2018]

FSSAI appoints Vimta Labs for nationwide surveillance of milk qualityFSSAI appoints Vimta Labs for nationwide surveillance of milk quality[0.29 MB]

FSSAI calls out ecom players for direct selling of items without 'prior consent'   [Dated: 17-04-2018]

FSSAI calls out ecom players for direct selling of items without 'prior consent'FSSAI calls out ecom players for direct selling of items without 'prior consent'[0.38 MB]

FSSAI to roll out laboratory network system INFoLNET by end of May ’18   [Dated: 16-04-2018]

FSSAI to roll out laboratory network system INFoLNET by end of May ’18FSSAI to roll out laboratory network system INFoLNET by end of May ’18[0.4 MB]

Unhealthy foods may be colour coded   [Dated: 15-04-2018]

Unhealthy foods may be colour codedUnhealthy foods may be colour coded[0.47 MB]

New set of rules for hoteliers by FSSAI   [Dated: 14-04-2018]

New set of rules for hoteliers by FSSAINew set of rules for hoteliers by FSSAI[0.2 MB]