February 2011
♦ Notification of FSSAI's Authorized officer for Mumbai International Airport under section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 - Reg [Uploaded on : 01-02-2011]
♦ Notification of FSSAI's Authorized officer for Kolkata International Airport under section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 - Reg [Uploaded on : 01-02-2011]
♦ Notification of FSSAI's Authorized officer for Chennai International Airport under section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 - Reg [Uploaded on : 01-02-2011]
♦ GSR 41(E)- Prevention of Food Adulteration (4th Amendment) Rules, 2005 dated 19.01.2011 [Uploaded on : 01-02-2011]
January 2011
♦ GSR 41(E)- Prevention of Food Adulteration (4th Amendment) Rules [Uploaded on : 19-01-2011]
♦ GSR 41(E)- Prevention of Food Adulteration (4th Amendment) Rules, 2005 dated 19.01.2011 [Uploaded on : 19-01-2011]
February 2011
♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards Rules 2011 notified in Gazette of India [Uploaded on : 19-01-2011]
The draft Food Safety and Standards Rules 2011 has been notified in the Gazette of India on 19/01/2011.
Comments are invited on the above draft document from all the stakholders including public. The comments may be sent to Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, 4th Floor, FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road New Delhi-110002 E.mail to karthik@fssai.gov.in in the enclosed format, to reach on or before 19/02/2011.
January 2010
♦ Prevention of Food Adulteration ,8th Amendment ,Rules 2009 [Uploaded on : 12-11-2010]
November 2010
♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2010 notified in Gazette of India [Uploaded on : 21-10-2010]
The draft Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2010 has been notified in the Gazette of India on 21/10/2010
Comments are invited on the above draft document from all the stakholders including public. The comments may be sent to Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, 4th Floor, FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road New Delhi-110002 E.mail to regulation2010@fssai.gov.in to reach on or before 20/11/2010.
October 2010
♦ Consultative Process followed by FSSAI [Uploaded on : 04-10-2010]
♦ Service Rules approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for information prior to Notification. [Uploaded on : 01-10-2010]
♦ Draft for Consultation on FSSAIs approach to Drawing up/ Revision of Food Standards. [Uploaded on : 01-10-2010]
Comments are invited on the above draft document from all stakeholders including public. The comments may be sent to Sh.Anil Mehta,DD(Technical),Food Safety and Standards Authority of India,3rd floor, FDA Bhawan, Kotla road,New Delhi-110002.E.mail to anilmehta@fssai.gov.in to reach on or before 24.10.2010.
August 2011
♦ Notification of FSSAI’s Authorised Officers for Kolkata Sea Port and Haldia Sea Port under Section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 20-08-2010]
♦ Notification of Authorised Officers for Mumbai Sea Port and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Nhava Sheva under Section 47 (5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 20-08-2010]
♦ Notification of FSSAI’s Authorised Officers for Kolkata Sea Port and Haldia Sea Port under Section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 20-08-2010]
♦ Notification of Authorised Officers for Mumbai Sea Port and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Nhava Sheva under Section 47 (5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 20-08-2010]
♦ GSR 651(E)- Prevention of Food Adulteration (4th Amendment) Rules, 2010 dated 2.08.2010 [Uploaded on : 18-08-2010]
♦ Notification of Authorised Officers for Mumbai Sea Port and Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Nhava Sheva under Section 47 (5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 11-08-2010]
♦ Notification of FSSAI’s Authorised Officers for Kolkata Sea Port and Haldia Sea Port under Section 47(5) of FSS Act 2006 [Uploaded on : 11-08-2010]
♦ GSR 651(E)- Prevention of Food Adulteration (4th Amendment) Rules, 2010 dated 2.08.2010 [Uploaded on : 02-08-2010]