Notifications (Archive) >> Back

April  2009

♦ Amendment to Section 6 of the FSS Act, 2006  [Uploaded on : 15-10-2007]

July  2001

♦ Notification No. 22 (RE -2001)/1997-2002 (Date of issue : 30/07/2001)  [Uploaded on : 30-07-2001]

♦ Notification No. 22 (RE -2001)/1997-2002 (Date of issue : 30/07/2001 )  [Uploaded on : 04-01-2001]

♦ Proposed Draft Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulation, 2019 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries  [Uploaded on : 30-11--0001]

  • The objections or suggestions may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

November  2020

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Amendment Regulations, 2020 w.r.t the standards of fortified milk powder.  [Uploaded on : 30-11--0001]

September  2023

♦ Gazette Notification of the Food Analysts working in FSSAI recognized Food Testing Laboratories  [Uploaded on : 30-11--0001]