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April  2018

♦ Proposed Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018 related to amendment in existing standards of Milk and Milk Products for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries.  [Uploaded on : 26-04-2018]

♦ Notice calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related to revised standards for Coffee-chicory mix and TDS (limits of Ca & Mg content) in Packaged drinking water as well as standards for Decaffeinated roasted and ground coffee and Decaffeinated soluble coffee powder.  [Uploaded on : 26-04-2018]

♦ Notice calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 30 days on the draft notification related to revised standards for Goat/Sheep Milk, total sodium content in milk and milk powders and standards of some new milk products viz. Medium fat chhana/paneer, Whey cheeses, Cheeses in brine.  [Uploaded on : 26-04-2018]

♦ Draft Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Regulations, 2018 relating to revision in sub-regulation 2.3.12: Restriction on sale of common salt.  [Uploaded on : 19-04-2018]

♦ Gazette Notification on FSS (Food product Standard and Food Additives) Amendment Regulation related to revision of Cane Jaggery or Cane Gur & Sodium Saccharin (food grade) and standards for Calcium Saccharin (food grade).  [Uploaded on : 19-04-2018]

♦ Corrigenda for Final Notification on FSS (Food product Standard and Food Additives) Amendment Regulation related to retaining the existing provision of Infant milk substitute and Bakery products.  [Uploaded on : 19-04-2018]

♦ Gazette Notification on 9th NABL Lab amendment notification- S.O. 1516 (E) dated 28th March, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 13-04-2018]

♦ Proposed Draft Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2018 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

  • The objections or suggestions by members countries of WTO may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.

♦ Proposed Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018 related to amendment in existing standards of Ice/ice Lollies for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

♦ Proposed Draft Food Safety & Standards (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Functional food and Novel food) amendment Regulations, 2018 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

♦ Notice calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders on the draft notification related to Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018 related to amendment in existing standards of Ice/ice Lollies.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

♦ Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders on the draft notification related to Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

♦ Notice Calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders within a period of 60 days on the Draft Food Safety & Standards (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Functional food and Novel food) amendment Regulations, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 11-04-2018]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 05-04-2018]

♦ Final Notification of FSS (Food Products Standard and Food Additives) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2018 relating to revised microbiological standards for fruits and vegetables and their products.  [Uploaded on : 04-04-2018]

♦ Draft “Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Regulation, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 02-04-2018]

March  2018

♦ Notice calling for suggestions, views, comments etc from stakeholders on the draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018 relating to standards of formulated supplements for children (draft notified as complementary foods for older infants and young children).  [Uploaded on : 28-03-2018]

♦ Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Amendment Regulation, 2018 related to removal of pesticide banned as per Insecticides Act, 1968.  [Uploaded on : 26-03-2018]

♦ Draft Notification on “Food Safety and Standards (Advertisements and Claims) Regulation, 2018.  [Uploaded on : 23-03-2018]

♦ Proposed draft Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Regulations, 2018 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries.  [Uploaded on : 23-03-2018]

  • The objections or suggestions by members countries of WTO may be mailed to within Sixty days from the date of notification in WTO.